
This module has a snake_case function which returns a corresponding PascalCase concrete type that implements AsElement.

let some_div: hobo::create::Div = hobo::create::div();

Element has methods that aren't available on regular entities.

hobo::AsElement and hobo::AsEntity

Sometimes it's useful to have custom types so you can have some special capabilities on your Entities or Elements.

#[derive(hobo::AsElement, Clone, Copy /* etc */)]
struct Checkbox(hobo::create::Div);

// just an example of why you might want to do this
impl Checkbox {
	fn is_checked(&self) -> bool {

	fn set_checked(&self, checked: bool) {
		*self.get_cmp_mut_or_default::<bool>() = checked;

	// probably etc methods

The hobo::AsElement derive macro expects either a tuple struct or a regular struct where the Entity field is named element e.g.

#[derive(hobo::AsElement, Clone, Copy /* etc */)]
struct CustomSelect {
	element: hobo::create::Select,
	// etc

Element and type erasure

It's often useful to mix different types of Elements, for example:

fn content() -> impl hobo::AsElement {
	match tab {
		Tab::Main => main_page(), // hobo::create::Div
		Tab::Blogpost => article(), // hobo::create::Article
		// etc

This won't compile, but the distinction between types in this case isn't useful. So we can erase the concrete types and get the general Element:

fn content() -> impl hobo::Element {
	match tab {
		Tab::Main => main_page().as_element(), // hobo::Element
		Tab::Blogpost => article().as_element(), // hobo::Element
		// etc

If you have a regular Entity or something that at least implements hobo::AsEntity - you can recover Element capabilities by just constructing a Element:

let elem = hobo::Element(some_entity);

This pattern is often useful when using queries to find elements, as queries often return entities (more on them in queries)

let (entity, _) = hobo::find_ond::<Entity, With<ComponentFoo>>();
// We know that this entity is an Input element we've made,
// but we need it's type to be an Input, not Entity,
// to e.g. access it's value via the get/set_value methods
let input_element = hobo::create::Input(entity);
let input_value = input_element.get_value();

One can think of it almost as casting - we're fetching an entity which we, as the writer, know is an Input - however, we need to "cast" this Entity to an Input type in order to access Input capabilities.