
hobo selectors mirror css selectors with minor changes, most notably:

  • descendant selectors like div a become div >> a because Rust doesn't have semantic whitespaces.
    • selectors like work mostly the same (except have to be written like div.("active") or div .("active"))
  • ids have to be written like #("foo-1234")
  • pseudo-classes use _ instead of - and must always use single colon syntax, e.g. :active or :last_child
    • there's an escape hatch in :raw("-webkit-prop".to_string()) for browser-specific or other weird things
  • pseudo-elements use _ instead of - and must always use double colon syntax, e.g. ::after or ::first_line

There are also several additions:

  • .& will be replaced at runtime with the name of a class, which will be generated from the rules in the style it belongs to
    • in other words, it's similar to & in SASS or styled-components
  • .[T] where T is some marker type will be replaced with the generated classname for the type T so you could select based on custom marker type.
use hobo::create as e;

struct ButtonMarker;

        .& >> .[ButtonMarker] {
        .text("button 1")
        .text("button 2")