
Hobo has some useful reactivity facilities. The core of this is futures_signals::signal::Mutable, from which signals are created, check the futures-signals documentation for details on how to do that.

Hobo re-exports futures_signals as hobo::signals.

  • text_signal/set_text_signal - calls set_text whenever the signal value changes
  • child_signal/add_child_signal - initially creates an empty div, then calls .replace_with every time the signal value changes
  • class_signal/set_class_signal and class_typed_signal/set_class_typed_signal and class_tagged_signal/set_class_tagged_signal - calls set_class_tagged whenever the signal value changes
    • will always replace the first class so take care
  • attr_signal/set_attr_signal and bool_attr_signal/set_bool_attr_signal - calls set_attr whenever the signal value changes
  • style_signal/set_style_signal - calls set_style whenever the signal value changes
  • mark_signal - calls mark/unmark whenever the signal value changes